Coop and Whoop
Was watching Anderson Cooper and some correspondant making fun of Star Jones on the View the other day. Another attempt to discredit creation and propel the belief in evolution. It's funny, after 100+ years you'd think if they had the facts on their side they'd give it a rest. But that's just it, they don't, so they have to rely on constant propaganda.
The new host, Whoopi Goldberg, responded to her creation belief statement by asking if she thought the earth was flat. Something I considered a lame attempt to discredit her by calling her an idiot. Well to my surprise she was and is. Her answer was she simply hadn't spent the time investigating that question. ?? Instead of taking a perfect opportunity to enlighten Whoopi on how the facts for the earth being flat are exactly the same mental processes for her basis in acknowledging creation as an accurate view of how we came to be here, she proves Whoopi correct in her assumption of stupidity. Anderson added on the follow up that Star later admitted that of course she thought the world was round. Perhaps because it looks round from the moon?!
It's sickening to watch this moronic representation of Christianity. It would have been far better if Star had treated Whoopi's statement as it was really intended and lay her out on the floor for the gross insult to her intelligence. Shit, isn't she a lawyer? Nope, they're all playing the same "who looks best" game and Star doesn't realize that's the enemies arena and you can never win in that arena. That's where Jesus' answers to the devil are so cool. The devil is trying to bring the discussion to his terms, and Jesus doesn't/can't/won't. Star could learn something from his replies.
We're called to give a reason for the hope that's within us. Whoopi and friends make it look like the belief in creation is a bigger stretch than we came from single cell organisms. They don't believe in evolution because it has more evidence, because it flat out doesn't. They believe in evolution because it dethrones God as Satan intended it to do. That fit's like a glove with their Hollywood "we are God's" and "can do what we like" mentality. Star's response just feeds into their abuse of the gospel.
There will come a day....
The new host, Whoopi Goldberg, responded to her creation belief statement by asking if she thought the earth was flat. Something I considered a lame attempt to discredit her by calling her an idiot. Well to my surprise she was and is. Her answer was she simply hadn't spent the time investigating that question. ?? Instead of taking a perfect opportunity to enlighten Whoopi on how the facts for the earth being flat are exactly the same mental processes for her basis in acknowledging creation as an accurate view of how we came to be here, she proves Whoopi correct in her assumption of stupidity. Anderson added on the follow up that Star later admitted that of course she thought the world was round. Perhaps because it looks round from the moon?!
It's sickening to watch this moronic representation of Christianity. It would have been far better if Star had treated Whoopi's statement as it was really intended and lay her out on the floor for the gross insult to her intelligence. Shit, isn't she a lawyer? Nope, they're all playing the same "who looks best" game and Star doesn't realize that's the enemies arena and you can never win in that arena. That's where Jesus' answers to the devil are so cool. The devil is trying to bring the discussion to his terms, and Jesus doesn't/can't/won't. Star could learn something from his replies.
We're called to give a reason for the hope that's within us. Whoopi and friends make it look like the belief in creation is a bigger stretch than we came from single cell organisms. They don't believe in evolution because it has more evidence, because it flat out doesn't. They believe in evolution because it dethrones God as Satan intended it to do. That fit's like a glove with their Hollywood "we are God's" and "can do what we like" mentality. Star's response just feeds into their abuse of the gospel.
There will come a day....