Before I even start this I can tell it will be a bit of rambling. My mentor once said as the world gets darker the lights will only shine brighter. lol. Miss him. My continued involvement on this earth sharpens the "other than" difference between normal people and those possessing real Christian faith. aka Conviction of things unseen. The extraordinary thing about my experience is that things seem simpler and simpler as life moves on. I used to struggle to see any distinction between myself and how others think and now it hits me over the head like a ten pin bowling ball on a daily basis. Also, it comes down to some very simple bottom line thought lines which spread like oak trees throughout my thought patterns. I thought I'd toss out the ones that come to mind. I'm sure I'll miss a few; they're all intertwined; since the God of Christianity is the perpetrator of all of them.
1. Creation: Already spoke to this in a previous post. There is a daily onslaught of subtle and not so subtle opining that all things evolution are true and good while anything smelling of creation is naive, stupid and hateful. I don't mean any type of watered down view that thinks the first day might be millions of years. I mean the 6-24 days variety right off the pages. Ya gotta remember Jesus quoted from this historical tomb when it was in it's completed stage. The spirit of the Antichrist is so apparent in this sphere. No worries about the environment, God's going to create a new heaven and new earth. Mr. molecular management.
2. Man is sinful: Meaning man is fundamentally evil. It's not your upbringing, it really is genetic. Well not really genetic but the fact that you are human brings it upon you. The sins are visited from previous generations but only in type. Whoever raises you will shape the way it's expressed. If you were born on a desert island you'd be a sinner. This view is also anathema to virtually every educational discipline. That's what's psychiatry is for, make you better. Listen to Oprah, Dr. Phil, Hollywood, yadda, yadda. Go to therapy. Now all the problems are genetic. Everything and anything except the real source. And God doesn't blame you for Adam's fateful detour, he gave up his son for you to get fixed.
(sidebar: I believe my favorite movie is "Ordinary People". Perhaps because it so accurately portrays the nature of relationships in a family. At one point the main character says he doesn't believe in God. Nevertheless the fundamental theme is his ability to forgive himself. He finds a true friend who leads him there. The irony of this is not lost on me. A movie offering the answers to all our problems denying the existence of he who is the only way. Nevertheless, I appreciate the honesty of the godless reality and the state of mankind without him. A place I am familiar with but no longer frequent)
3. Immortality of the Soul: Sorry, no nice warm bed to spend your afterlife in. Not even a darkened eternal bliss without consciousness. Scary enough. Nope, all souls live eternally. Would you expect anything less from a creator. It's just a question of in what state of mind you'll be in and where that will be. Yep, good old fashioned heaven and hell. I'm shuffled off to the loony bin at this point. The current intelligentsia deals with this in countless ways with endless movies, books, shows to calm any fears. Holding out the heroes and aspirations of money, sex and power on this earth as Satan did to our Lord. Still can't get around it though; it really is a matter of time. No one's ever gone and come back, save one.
4. Jesus Christ being the only means to Salvation: A salvation not required if the first three are rejected. I guess I'm beginning to realize why this would ramble. It's like being in a forest and trying describe each tree and how it intertwines with the others. Basically everything of the "world" is at war with everything in the kingdom. The three I've already mentioned do spread far and wide through a broad range of disciplines. Then I get to number four which is of course what the world is doing everything it can to deny by utilizing lies about the first three. Every day it just becomes more apparent. Especially in a country that was founded by men who believed all of this and embedded those thoughts in a framework to build the greatest country on earth. On every front and by the boldest of steps that is being dismantled as quickly as possible. I believe all in preparation for the end of this aeon.