Piers Morgan, Michelle Bachman, Kirk Cameron and being Gay
While on an out of town training course, I was having dinner in my hotel room when I happened to flip through an interview on Piers Morgan’s show. I’d watched him a few times before and not much since then. I guess I was just thinking he seemed normal and pleasant enough, but nothing to write home about. He was interviewing Joel Osteen at the time along with his wife. This time around he was going after Michelle Bachman.
What prompted me to put fingers to keyboard was what appears as an inconsistency on Piers part and also, an across the board weak ass response to his questioning.
The topic on the screen was Michelle’s views of homosexuality, sin or not sin. She did everything she could to circumvent the question and saying “I am not judgmental.” Piers would have none of it and provided an on screen quote that conclusively showed she had some pretty clear and conclusive judgments on the matter. Again she refused and avoided answering the question. Her repeated response was that she believed marriage is between a man and a woman.
Piers had thrown at her Rush Limbaugh’s recent statement calling Sandra Fluke a slut as well as Kirk Cameron’s statement that a gay lifestyle is unnatural, detrimental and destructive. Michelle wouldn’t take the bait and stumbled around the questions with the elegance of an elephant in a pottery barn. It was transparent she wanted nothing to do with this line of questioning, repeatedly calling Piers rude.
Following Cameron's more straightforward remarks, he was relentless attacked through out the media so much so that Piers himself defended his right to have these views and brave for being honest about them; simply calling the view antiquated.
The same is going on for Rush. As Laura Ingram pointed out, Obama never called her after Ed Shultz called her a slut. But Obama couldn’t wait to voice his support for Sandra. These people are like vampires who smell blood. They will fight to drain every drop even if they can’t kill the victim. Not that calling her a slut was a smart move. But I think his point was $3,000/yr for contraceptives? If you calculate it by condoms (not everyone’s choice grant you) at $0.50 to $0.75 we’re talking around 4,000 condoms divided by 365 days = 11 times a day. His point is also what has this to do with health care. Yeah the odd case might be medically related but not worthy of this nationwide news media flooding.
It looks like there’s lots going on here but actually there’s not. The world is trying to find any issue and make it a watershed. Frankly, the way it’s stacking up I will place my bets on homosexuality. If you’re opposed, then it’s a hate crime; in the end with legal consequences. To say you disagree offends all of them so you shouldn’t be allowed to say such things. They may succeed. This is nothing new in the left wings tactics to demonize the right. If they can’t shut them up there, next in line is abortion (‘women’s right to health care’) which is directly tied to your views on creation/evolution and contraception. Get used to it because it won’t be ending until he returns.
What I did find strange was that Piers didn’t take Osteen to task when he answered in the affirmative, that homosexuality is a sin. It was a rather limp response claiming he had no choice because the bible said it was, nevertheless Piers had no comeback. Along the same lines he gave some support to Cameron. Perhaps Piers hasn’t quite shed his Catholic upbringing and if you’re coming from a religious perspective, as both Joel and Kirk were, Piers cuts some form of ‘tax exempt’ status. Bachman, on the other hand, was in the political arena so the gloves were off, also she wasn’t showing her true colors which probably annoyed him.
What I don’t like is the weak way it’s being handled. We need to face up to the fact that the world does, and will continue to hate Christians for their beliefs. We are the salt of the earth. Don’t lose our saltness. The bible does say homosexuality is a sin. For most Christians that would mean, not a good thing. And if you don’t already realize it, the world doesn’t give a shit about what Christians think is or is not a sin. They don’t believe in it period; no such thing in their world view.
When Sandra says she was ‘hurt’ by Rush’s comments I would highly doubt it. You don’t get hurt by people you don’t have any respect for. (On the other hand the liberal mentality is that everyone has to love you so maybe she was a little hurt.) Like Piers, when he asks Bachman if it’s a sin, her response should be, “I don’t know Piers, how would you define sin.” Don’t let them hang you with your own tools, especially when for them, they are meaningless. These people want to destroy any and all remnants of Christianity. They are on a seek and destroy mission. We should be doing the same. Yes, it’s a friggin sin, but what do you care? There is no common ground, don’t pretend you can walk on it.