Thursday, February 8, 2007

Biblical Chronology

This chart below was developed out of desperation. As the world’s lies were being heaped higher and higher around me at the same time as my views were being seriously challenged at my local church, I found my slightest doubts to be exponentially magnified. One of those doubts concerned the reliability of the Old Testament dating. Similar to “Bishop Ussher’s” calculation and I’m sure many before and after him. (One of many hits on Google - this has references to the movie "Inherit the Wind" which misrepresent the creation position as well as shows the reality of William Jennings Bryant's weak position on it. )

The chart was developed from scratch in Lotus 123. Yep, Lotus 123. It’s a horizontal bar chart with some cleverly laid out ‘data labels’. (if I do say so myself) The beauty of this version of Lotus was it doesn’t force you to use the actual data that generates the bar to be the data label, which Excel does force… but I digress.

The process of developing the chart terminated my concern, aka doubt. Meaning, if the Old Testament is valid, then the earth is around 6,000 yrs old. Obviously this has some implications.

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